Jan 22, 2011

Black Ops "no foliage"

The following cvars can be inserted into your config_mp.cfg file. They are not cheat protected, but you do need to make the config "read only" once you've added them. Otherwise, the game will overwrite them upon loading.

seta r_treeScale "0"
seta wind_grass_gust_strength "0" 
seta wind_grass_scale "0"
seta wind_grass_tension "0"
seta wind_local_frequency "0"
seta wind_leaf_scale "0"

This is what they do:

As to whether using these cvars should be considered cheating, it's debatable. Having clean lines of sight where you otherwise wouldn't feels a bit sketchy, but since since anyone can use these settings, the advantage they afford is available to everyone.

The advantage is unfair, though, if the cvars aren't universally known. That's why I've posted them here.

Nota Bene: as you can see from the screenshots, adding these cvars results in a framerate hit. Use them at your own risk.  


  1. does not work, added them to the .cfg and it changed nothing.

  2. The cvars may have been patched since then.
