Mar 21, 2011

The (other) price of the Black Ops DLC

The "First Strike" DLC for CoD:BO is coming -- along with the 1.07 patch -- on March 25 for $15 ($13.49 if you pre-order).  Gameservers has said that they won't force anyone to run the new maps on their server, but what happens to the people that don't buy the DLC? Will they be able to join a server that's running any of the new maps? Will FS servers be segregated in the server browser? Will they show up at all for people who haven't bought the DLC?

All of those things are possible. More likely, though, you'll just get bounced once one of the new maps comes up in the rotation.

Mar 20, 2011

Homefront, in 4.5 minutes

I felt truly oppressed playing the SP. Only now do I realize: it wasn't the Koreans.