Jan 13, 2011

FEAR 3 delayed

An admin on the FearFans forums announced a few days ago that the game's launch date has been pushed back to May 2011, as Day 1 Studios' devs "look to deliver the best possible game for [their] fans."

He also promises that the game will be worth the wait.

I stopped caring the moment I saw the "F.3.A.R." logo.  For the record, I'm predicting a metascore below 80 no matter how much time they take.  I'll bet the first commenter willing to take the action the game of his choice if I'm wrong.

Xbox 360 vs. PS3

Via Kotaku:

A thread appeared on the GameTrailers forums asking a simple (/smirk) question:
I am torn between getting a PS3 OR an XBOX 360. I like fps games and play a lot online, but the rpg anime games never really entertained me. I would normally go with 360, but PS3 has some interesting games like resistance 3 and killzone 3 that look really cool. So what do I need from you? tell me what you believe I should buy and why.
At that point, the internets attacked (click image to enlarge):

Now there is a rather important addendum.  After all the console groupies on Kotaku decried the unbridled "PC master-racism" on GT, one intrepid commenter dished the real story:  "For the love of god, edit this article explaining that a moderator edited the posts and closed the topic for the rampant console fanboyism found on GT that invaded that topic."

I call them "console tards" for a reason.