Jun 15, 2010

"That man had a family."

The footage is of Ghost Recon:  Future Soldier.  The third-person viewpoint really highlights the absence of mo-cap.  Between that, the chunky transitions between the third- and first-person views, the low-res model skins, the bland textures, and the (apparent) absence of volumetric lighting, I can only hope this is an alpha build:

Medal of Honor MP details

An interview with producer Patrick Liu.  It sounds like MoH is a bit more focused:  less on novelties, more on the actual combat.  We'll see:

E3: Portal 2 trailer

Gameplay video here.

Jun 14, 2010

2010: FPS nirvana

If the first-person shooter is your game, 2010 is undoubtedly your year.

The tail end of 2009 brought Modern Warfare 2:  the most successful failure of all time.

March 2010.  Now comes Bad Company 2:  a game that, despite coming so tantalizingly close to being really good, is in its death throes.

October 2010.  Medal of Honor:  a franchise rebooted as (maybe) a CoD4 clone:

Expect a hell of a lot more recoil in the PC version.  The early buzz surrounding the game (amongst the few people that have played it) has been very positive thus far, and everything is looking much more polished at this stage.

P.S.  Urban environments, my brothers:  they're plugging that gaping hole in BC2.

P.P.S.  Pre-orders will get access to a beta on JUNE 21.

"Winter" 2010.  Alright, this is weird.  BC2 is getting a Viet Nam expansion.  So, EA and DICE are going to compete with themselves, in addition to Call of Duty:  Black Ops.

Makes zero sense to me, but whatever.  We have options.  Speaking of Call of Duty:

November 2010.  Activision wants to prove that the franchise can survive the death of Infinity Ward.  So they added a crossbow.  And they also added Raven Software to the mix (maybe), putting Singularity on hold so the studio can make additional maps for Treyarch's multiplayer offering.  Unorthodox, but damned smart.

The industry is hurting this year. That's good for us.

Fallout: New Vegas E3 trailer

Floating sentry robots, claptrap clones, the Robot from Lost in Space, and robotic animations for the "organic" inhabitants, along with a mafia guy and a Helghast-tastic soldier dude ...
... if you're not already sold on Fallout, this won't change your mind:

MechWarrior: Living Legends update

The robo-Crysis mod is now at version 0.3.0 of its open beta.  The patch, which weighs-in at 1.77 GB, is available here

Full changelog beneath the fold.