GamesRadar has 10 things you need to know about the game.
Then again, if you played the original, all you really need to know is that there's a sequel. The rest will take care of itself.
Although Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a very demanding game, it is not nearly as horrible on hardware as Crysis. For example, at 2560x1600 using maximum visual quality settings with 2xAA/4xAF the Radeon HD 5870 Crossfire setup averaged 74fps in this new game. The exact same hardware averaged just 48fps in Crysis Warhead with AA/AF settings disabled. 2 Another example using the GeForce GTX 260 saw a 47fps average when testing with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 at 1680x1050, while playing Crysis allowed for just 33fps with AA/AF disabled.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 doesn't scale down very well, as we saw roughly a ~5 fps performance gain when going from the high to the medium quality preset. At the same time, there was very little difference in graphics quality or detail. When going from the medium to the low quality settings we saw anywhere from a 10 – 20fps increase, which allowed graphics cards as slow as the Radeon HD 4830 or GeForce GT 240 to deliver an acceptable level of performance at 1680x1050.
We also tried running some of the slower cards at a 1280x1024 resolution at high and medium settings, but the performance boost was not very significant. Similarly than when going from high to medium, a ~5 fps average increase was noted when decreasing the resolution. Like many first person shooters the CPU doesn't play a huge role in this game's performance, therefore a decent dual-core processor should be enough to power even the latest graphics cards at full speed. As the resolution was increased the game became even more GPU bound, removing the CPU from the equation almost entirely.
As you probably noticed, we have experienced an outage across EA servers today, this was caused by a routing issue outside of EA's control but it has been solved and things are back up and running again.
Tomorrow at 8:00 GMT/9:00 CET and 12:00 (midnight) PST the EA servers will be brought down for maintenance. There is no current time for when the servers will return so keep an eye on our Twitter for more up to date information as we get it:
On a more positive note, we have released the R6 server to server providers today which should stop the PB INIT FAILURE messages that have been causing problems recently, as well as releasing new server versions, we are still investigating and fixing connectivity and stability problems that are being reported in the forums.
Attention all Cerberus Network members: The Arc Projector heavy weapon has been deployed for field use.
As the game name suggest, the Ghost team are now packing futuristic gear like stealth cloaks (as seen in the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier trailer), armoured ground drones and exo-skeleton legs (to carry more gear).
The latter in particular is a game changer, as it means the Ghosts are now more agile and can jump, roll and generally throw themselves around the battlefield. It also opens the window for close quarters combat, which you'll be seeing a lot of in Future Soldier.
4-Player drop in, drop out co-op is promised and controversially, no squad commands what-so-ever. Character classes also play a pivotal role in the new game, with players receiving specific, unique bonuses for their chosen role (optical camo for Recon, heart sensors for Snipers, shoulder mounted missiles for Commandos).