Mar 17, 2010


If you want to watch vids about the game, instead of just playing the damned game:

Nvidia 197.13 beta drivers

Nvidia released the new GeForce/ION 197.13 beta drivers today.  They're supposed to take care of the fan speed issue that some people reported with the 196.75 drivers.  Get 'em here:
 The 197.13 beta drivers should provide performance increases and SLI support for Bad Company 2, among other games.

Mar 16, 2010

Metro 2033 released

The game hit retail stores and digital distribution services (including Steam) in North America today.  Eurogamer has a review.  A few selected quotes:
Wherever you are it's atmospheric. This is a world that is heaving with apocalyptic detail, but also submerged in its own gaseous horrors. Both on the surface, and in certain areas of the Metro, you'll require a gas mask, which uses filters like a gun uses ammunition. The first time you die because of exposure to gases, you begin to realise that this is a shooter that is as much about survival as about the story, or the combat.
The most frustrating and least forgivable of the combat design decisions is the inclusion of instant-death traps in many of the environments. While the tripwires are generally fairly obvious, being blown up by one because you were diving around a corner in the midst of a firefight will result in a gamepad being hurled across the room. Worse, the explosives can't be blown up with a grenade, as you might expect.

So it's a bunch of minor things about the core game that tarnish what is otherwise an excellent shooter. I should stress just how inventive and beautiful this game is: the action is expertly punctuated with unexpected experiences, such as collapsing into a hallucination, or manning a giant flamethrower, or struggling to find your way on a collapsed Moscow street while being hunted by flying demon creatures, or smuggling yourself aboard a train full of nazis, or helping guide a lost child home...

Mar 15, 2010

MoH GDC 2010 trailer

Better lighting, better textures, better sound ... but still very much Call of Duty 4: