The Infinity Ward saga, by the numbers [UPDATED]:
500,000,000 – the total sales, in USD, that Modern Warfare 2 made the day it went on sale.
1 – the number of video games that have outsold Modern Warfare 2, all-time (that's Wii Sports).
6 – the number of years that have passed between the release of the original Call of Duty and Modern Warfare 2.
112 – the number of days that passed between the launch of Modern Warfare 2, and the firings of Jason West and Vince Zampella.
2 – the number of days that passed between the firing of West and Zampella, and their announcement that they were suing Activision.
36 – the number of days it took for Activision to countersue West and Zampella.
41 – the number of days that passed between the firing of Jason West and Vince Zampella, and the announcement of the formation of "Respawn Entertainment."
34 – the number of employees that have left Infinity Ward since March 2, 2010.
25 – the number of ex-IW employees that have officially joined Respawn Entertainment.
25 – the number of ex-IW employees that have officially joined Respawn Entertainment.
28,000,000 – in dollars, the total amount that Activision has paid in bonuses to Infinity Ward employees to-date.
54,000,000 – in dollars, the total amount of bonuses that Activision is withholding, pending litigation.
38 – the number of current and former IW employees (not West and Zampella) that are suing Activision for their bonus money.
10 – the number of years that Activision will have exclusive publishing rights to Bungie's next franchise (not Halo), as part of a recently-announced deal