My general impressions, briefly:
1. I see the game's simplicity as its greatest strength. 15 ranks per class with an unlock at each level allows for advancement without any sense of grind.
2. The weapons and attachments are "balanced" in the sense that no one has an equipment advantage at close to medium range. Long range is a different story for obvious reasons.
3. "Skill" in this game is all about putting yourself in a position to see your opponent before he sees you, full stop. Everything else is luck (90%) and reflexes (10%).
3.A. On larger maps, a moderately skilled sniper can hold down a choke point indefinitely.
4. Map quality (layout; not aesthetics) is all over the place. Clipping and collision are seriously problematic, especially in smaller maps. Long sight-lines on some maps (see 3.A.) favor the defenders heavily.
5. The game becomes more fun as you learn the maps, but longevity is doubtful. Without several more maps, CoD:BLOPS will kill MoH before the New Year.