Feb 18, 2010

Medal of Honor news

Atomic MPC scored an interview with Greg Goodrich, the Executive Producer on Medal of Honor. For the good of our readers, IUN summarizes the substantive bits:

□ MoH's narrative style is inspired by Saving Private Ryan, in the way that movie told the story of the larger war from the perspective of a small group of soldiers.

□ Players will take on the roles of both the specialist "Tier 1 Operator" and the generalist Army Ranger.

□ The technical framework of the game is complete, but there's a lot of fine tuning left to do, especially on the artistic side. So expect graphical improvements over what you've seen so far.

□ There is a lean mechanic.

□ Both the SP and the MP will feature vehicles.

□ There will be dedicated servers.  Per Mr. Goodrich, lobbies and host migration would cripple the MP experience.

□ DICE is handling the MP.

□ The AI will not be garden variety Unreal engine cannon fodder.

□ The lighting engine should be impressive (think beams of light streaming through bullet holes), and if they can't make it work on consoles, the PC will get it anyway.

□ The development teams thinks they can make MoH better than MW2 on every front, and that's exactly what they're going for.


  1. I thought this would make you guys all talkative.

  2. Sounds good, but I hate to get all pumped about this when were already looking forward to Bad Company 2. But if it is as good as the Allied Assault was in it's day, then it will be a great game. And the fact that DICE is doing the Multiplayer is promising since Bad Company 2 seems to be coming together quite nicely.

  3. I agree, but MoH is so far away at this point, it shouldn't detract from BC2 at all.
