Feb 17, 2010

How not to be a noob at BC2

A console guy made this video, but his advice is nevertheless worth heeding:


  1. AMEN to that!

    MW players are pussy motherfuckers who like it to lay down and camp, and they let down the team to score some points. With these points (XP) they tell their friends how good they are. Well...you aren't, you're still a noob!

    Up yours truly,


  2. Remmy's comment made me realize something:

    It's good that there's still 100,000 dipshits playing MW2. That's 100,000 dipshits I don't have to deal with in BC2.

  3. OMG Scott either you have a brother or you did a fine ass job on that video. "Quit your bitching and go play BFBC2." lol I liked that video. I really want to see someone breaking down sniping. It's not like Modern Warfare 2 like he said with the unrealistic physics of the bullet hitting the target instantly, so I can't figure out how much to compensate for the gravity yet in the recon class.
