Aug 19, 2011


This, folks, is why you don't pre-order.

As originally reported at, the console versions of BF3 will feature an in-game server browser, while the PC version will not. You read that correctly.

DICE has confirmed that PC players will have to connect to servers through a separate application called Battlelog. DICE's Alan Kurtz (@Demize99) has tweeted his recommendation that, instead of Alt+Tabbing to access Battlelog, you should restart the game. Because it loads so quickly.

You just cannot make this shit up.

UPDATE:  according to Eurogamer, Mr. Kurtz has said that Battlelog is the whole main menu for BF3. But it's still a separate application. And it's not Origin, so that's three separate applications to log in, pick a server, and play.

SHADES OF UBISOFT UPDATE: if Battlelog is the main menu, and it is web dependent (as it appears to be a website + browser plugin), will you be able to play the single player if you don't have web access?

PEANUT GALLERY UPDATE: several commenters on the aforementioned Eurogamer article, and on this RPS post, seem to love the new system.

1 comment:

  1. Considering that CyberDead's first impression of the alpha was "I feel like it's inside a web browser"... it kinda makes sense now.
