May 5, 2011

First Person Spammers has a great podcast up on the trend in first-person shooters away from the "classic" format where success depends primarily on actual skill.  You can listen to the cast here

Game developers seem to have discovered a previously untapped pool of customers: people who want to feel good about their performance without exerting themselves, and who want that gratification instantly. In tailoring the new generation of games to appeal to that demographic, developers like DICE, Infinity Ward, and Treyarch have taken the legs out from under the run-and-gunners that used to thrive in MP servers. It's a sad state of affairs, and one that's likely to outlast my interest in gaming.

So, have a listen. If you've ever bounced out of a game because you were sick of getting killed by a dozen things you couldn't have avoided, you'll identify with the thesis.

P.S.: I am not promoting the podcast just because my name is mentioned. Or because I'm quoted extensively. I am very humble - almost shy, actually - and I would never attempt to stroke my own ego on this blog.


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