May 7, 2011

Brink ready for pre-load

The game unlocks on Monday, May 9.  (EDIT: it actually unlocks at midnight, so call it the 10th.)


  1. Is gonna be another Homefront? All Show and no go.

  2. Homefront is a solid game that died because cheating got completely out of control. I hope to hell that doesn't happen to Brink.

  3. I stopped playing HOMEFRONT despite it's a decent game. The game is ruined by cheaters and hackers, and it seems no one takes action on the servers, and ban or kick the cheaters.

    Brink seems to be a fun to play game. It has a lot of element which we have seen in Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, and that;s no wonder because we all know Bethesda bought ID Software the maker of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. It has some new elements I would love to try out some moves.

  4. "Messiah Complex said...
    Homefront is a solid game that died because cheating got completely out of control. I hope to hell that doesn't happen to Brink."

    Then someone better ban SCOTT, GARY, STEVE, REMMY, BLAKE(not for hacking but for just being a little bitch), And the rest of you cheating PUNKS.

  5. Temper temper....

  6. Lol just because I dont have the time or money to get this game. I am hoping that in a week I will be able to purchase it. I dont have finals for another couple of weeks and then I may have some time to play, but I doubt it.

  7. hahahaha...Still had ITOE link in my faves. Click on it and wow, still a bunch of familiar names. Now you got me interested in this game Brink. :)

  8. Hey, lady.

    Hang back a bit on Brink. It's on life support right now.
