Aug 19, 2009

Lights-out for PBBans

PBBans is was a not-for-profit service that allows allowed server admins using PunkBuster to stream their server logs in real time to its website, for the purpose of creating a shared ban list of busted punks (i.e. cheaters). Unfortunately, the popular service is no more.

I hate to have to report this news, but PBBans has closed its doors.

Over the past few weeks they have been being hit by a DDOS attack on their server. Today they had another attack and the hosting company would not help them overcome the attack. They would have to move to another hosting company to solve the problem which would cost a lot of money, time, and effort.

The time and effort put in by all the staff members at PBBans has been enormous. But a year or so back, they lost one of the two main coders for the website because Evenbalance would not fix a problem with Punkbuster that allowed for bans to be spoofed. This left MaydaX to code the website and keep it running. Him, along with the founder, Rodeobob, now want to get back to their families and lives, so they are closing the doors to PBBans.
Similar services, such as Airdale Ops Network, will have to fill the gap.


  1. its a dark day for the FPS community :(

  2. What FPS Community?
    We're a dying breed.... (and I'm not helping the situation by contributing to Blizzard)

    Let's hope the new MW2 turns out to be HUGE and gives you 1 finger masters something to play that's worthy of your continued patronage.
