Sep 5, 2012

Ubisoft's DRM future: one-time activation

That's the word from John Walker at Rock, Paper, Shotgun, the man that finally got this interview with two very uncomfortable people from Ubisoft.  Here's the quote:
We have listened to feedback, and since June last year our policy for all of PC games is that we only require a one-time online activation when you first install the game, and from then you are free to play the game offline.
The rest of the interview really isn't worth reading, as it's mostly a series of very good questions followed by sanitized corp-speak.*  But, the news is still good, and credit is due to Ubi for finally taking the path of sanity (at least for now).

Ubisoft has been on my "do not buy" list for about two years now.  That blacklisting mostly came from their DRM policies, and the abysmally stupid public statements Yves Guillemot and others have made about DRM and piracy (as recently as late august of this year).  I can't say yet whether this news changes my stance towards the company, but it does give me something to think about.

I suppose I'm ready to forgive them for Splinter Cell: Conviction, at least.

* To be fair, Ubi has been living a PR nightmare for a long time now. I can hardly blame them for being over-cautious.

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