Feb 21, 2010

So, about the combat knife

It might be a little overpowered:


  1. I'll grab a "real" knife and someone take a nerf gun and lets see who wins. It's the guns not the knife.

  2. what did you use to record the video? fraps?

  3. Wabbit: the issue with the knife in the video is that I totally whiffed. When that guy died, he was nowhere near my knife.

    Gary: I used Fraps.

  4. I see what your saying, but go try out Call of Duty 4 it's the same way. It's not a very specific while the animation is playing. If you flip through the video you can tell right when you would of pushed the knife button the guys head was right in your screen. His head is practically your whole screen.

  5. so what if the knife has the range of a sword ?

    I was always told to stay out of range of a guy knife ! Is someones e-gina dirty? whats with getting all pissy about a knife the size of my Johnson ?
