Nov 29, 2009

The other kind of gaming

As of 8:19 PM EST, Steam says the number of people playing MW2 today peaked at 102,968. Time for a little wager, I say.

On March 1, 2010, I'm setting the over/under for MW2's player population at 20,000. Who's taking the under, and who's taking the over?


  1. I think you have to compare it with the stats of MW1. I say that's a good guidance. I think it will be over 25.000, give or take.

  2. Have you walked that many miles in WoW? WOW!!

  3. So are you saying the game sucks?

    Hey fellas... I have about 7 more weeks of school and I plan to get my POS computer fixed so it will stop freezing while playing any effin COD game greater than "United Offensive" (yes, it still freezes on COD4:MW or CODWAW). Haven't even considered COD:MW2. I know you've missed me. ~Fluke

  4. Fluke get in vent sometime and get L4D2 so you can get yelled at by Messiah just like old times but WORSE. Its a blasty blast.

  5. Actually, it's been so long since we've see Fluke, I might not yell at him for a good 10 minutes.

    Flukey, I thought we lost you. Damned glad to have you back.

    I haven't played MW2 - and I won't - but I'm sure the game itself is fine. Without dedicated servers, though, the quality of the online game is always going to be a crap shoot. (One player hosts a game on his own computer now.)

  6. Isn't L4D up to like "L4D4" now? (saw a billboard)

    Yeah I still have nightmares of you guys raping me in the gas-station (SW side) of "Overgrown". I can see the peeled paint now, while smelling MC's breath and Frisky's ass... Speaking of ass, how's Plucky and Matty doing?

  7. Haven't heard from Plucky in a while. Matty is still playing WoW 14 hours a day with Steve.
