Jun 3, 2009

BioShock 2's MP: bare bones, it seems

From Ars Technica:

Players will only have a limited combat load-out during the multiplayer matches; during the demo, only two weapons and three plasmids could be used. According to 2K Marin, this is because keeping it simple is the best way to make gameplay flow, as players will be able to switch weapons and abilities on the fly instead of having to flip through a series of choices until finding the right item for a proper scenario.

The one thing about the multiplayer mode that didn't feel natural was that in each match, a Big Daddy upgrade will spawn in a random location; when a player picks it up, they transform into a Big Daddy. This changes the nature of play for a while, as all the other players essentially have to team up against the upgraded player in order to survive, while the latter is armed with some incredibly powerful weapons and can take quite a large dose of damage.

Currently, only two game modes have been revealed for the multiplayer system: free-for-all and team deathmatch, though it was mentioned that at least one more unrevealed play mode was forthcoming. The game will also be able to support up to ten players in a match, though further details about the multiplayer mode were promised before the game's release this fall.

UPDATE: Shack News has more information. Not encouraging.


  1. I read in PC Gamer that you will be equipped with with 3 loadouts consisting of: two weapons, two plasmids, and three gene tonics. You'll be able to switch in between then during respawns. Also that the 3 game mode may be some type of co-op.

  2. I need more. I liked the original game, but my standards - in terms of my willingness to spend money on new games - might be getting unreasonable.

  3. Ok There are so many contradictions here I'm not sure where to start ...
    Mr. Smiles (Did not read in PC Gamer)
    He may have looked at some pictures.
    Messiah Complex (Has no standards unless you count his love of huge, hairy, Dutch Girls)

  4. Steve had standards once but then he realized that he lived in Iowa and his standards led him to playing with him self each night to pictures of huge, hairy, Iowa Girls
